Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blogger Handouts for Vita-Learn workshop @ Bellows Falls

Before you begin to develop a Google web site you must have a Google account.  If you use gmail, you already have one!  If not, go to create a Google Account and sign up for one.  (It's free!)
Below are some of handouts that might prove helpful:

New Spanish Resources from Common Sense Media

Spanish Resources
Common Sense Media now has student-facing Spanish Resources for our K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Digital Passport, in addition to their family media resources.

  • Family Tip Sheets (click Spanish to view). Provide advice about current issues related to the age-appropriate topics we addres in our K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Southeast VITA-Learn meeting-Bellows Falls Union High School on Nov. 21 from 3:30-5:30

You will have two topics to choose from
iPad as a Dynamic Teaching Tool  or Using Blogger as a Classroom Website

iPad as a Dynamic Teaching Tool  presented by Michael Nieckoski
The iPad is a game-changing technology for the classroom that makes instruction and learning something that can literally be held in the hand. This workshop will show some ways that this remarkable device can be used by teachers to present material in their classrooms: by sharing the iPad screen; by using the cameras and connectivity in the classroom, and as an interactive feedback tool. Topics will include: hardware needed; app suggestions for presentations, interactive lessons, and for classroom feedback (some free, some not as free).
Please bring with you to the session:
your iPad or iPad Mini
2)your Apple ID and password and,
one or two ideas or lesson plans that you’d like to teach using the iPad as your primary delivery device. Please ensure that you have the capability of downloading and installing apps on your device.

Blogger as a Classroom Website by Art Skerker
Blogger can be used as a great tool for a classroom website or as an addition to an already existing classroom website.  Need to communicate immediately events that are happening in your classroom or want a venue for your students to share what they are learning then come and try blogger.  Classroom photos, student work, graphs, drawings, and writeups can all be added to your blog easily.   Bring a connected device and ideas of things you would like to share.

The meetings will have great snacks, certificates to document  your PD and dinner at 5:30 for anyone who would like to stay.   Dinner is a great time to troubleshoot, ask questions and collaborate with others.

The southeast VITA-Learn PD meetings rely on those of you who get this email to get the WORD out.  PLEASE forward this email to your staff, tech committees, principals, curriculum coordinators!!!!!  ANYONE  who you can think of that would benefit from these sessions.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.  

Christina Smith

Where did the apps go?

You are reading your email and want to look at your calendar, Google + or one of the other apps that were always on the top left of the screen...where did they go?  They are still accessible but you now have to click on the apps icon which is on the top right.