Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 21st. total Lunar Eclipse will not be visible in VT due to cloud cover

A total lunar eclipse will be visible across North America, according to the editors of StarDate magazine. As Earth’s long shadow falls across the Moon, the part in the shadow will turn dark. It will look as though a chunk were missing from the Moon. About an 70 minutes later, the shadow will completely cover the Moon, an event known as “totality.” This will last for more than an hour, then the shadow will exit the Moon’s opposite side over another hour or so. The entire event will last about 3.5 hours and can be seen from coast to coast.

Eclipse begins 1:32 a.m.
Totality 2:41-3:53 a.m.
Eclipse ends 5:01 a.m.

Since we won't be able to see the eclipse's a Youtube video of a Lunar Eclipse - Aug. 2007 Hawaii that you can show your students.