Sunday, March 6, 2011

WSSU computer technician/webmaster

The search for a Technician/Webmaster has been reopended.

The Technician/Webmaster position is a full time, year-round professional position with competitive salary and benefits. Must have computer software/hardware problem solving and repair skills using a ticketing system. Interactions with both faculty and students will require strong problem solving, communication,  and interpersonal skills. Candidate must have strong experience in Macintosh systems as well  as broad knowledge of Windows operating  systems.
Please send typed resume, letter of interest,  three current letters of recommendation, and  non-certified application by Friday, March 18, 2011.

Send Attention:
 Donna E. Moyer, Superintendent
 Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union
 105 Main ST, Suite 200
 Windsor, VT  05089
The Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual  orientation, religion, national origin or disabilities.