Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Knoema’s World Data Atlas: A Great Online Tool for Social Studies

The Knoema World Data Atlas is a knowledge platform  (pronounced ‘No Ma’) that offers a plethora of social, economic, geographic and political data on every country of the world and connects that data to analytical and presentation tools. It represents a uniformed platform where users can access, present and share data-driven content. You can access data from multiple sources, assemble relevant indicators in one space, visualize figures, apply analytical functions, create a set of dashboards and present your results.

Knoema includes more than 500 interactive data sets! 

The most obvious connection to social studies is with grades 5-8 where students identify, describe, classify and compare regions of the world.

Watch a brief online video about Knoema.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Classroom folders for Google Docs

gClassFolders is a free, Google Spreadsheet based add-on for Google Apps for EDU that creates class folders for students and teachers to simplify and streamline their experience of using Google's world class productivity and collaboration tools in the classroom.

Common Core ELA Standards with Technology by Grade Level

Thanks to Jessica Wilson , a tech integrationist at CSSU for putting together the list.

Grade short answer Google forms with Flubaroo

If you use Google Form as a formative assessment tool, you need to consider using Flubaroo.

Flubaroo is free!  The directions are are easy enough fior an adult to follow.  Besides getting a quick review all of yiour students' results, one of the administrative options allow you to email results to each of your students.