Monday, May 2, 2011

Tell Congress to keep our Schools Technologically Competitive!

It has never been more important than RIGHT NOW to show your support for the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program, the sole source of federal funding for education technology in our nation's schools. On April 14th, 2011 Congress voted to eliminate the EETT program in the FY 2011 budget, despite our schools' growing need for continuous investment in technology and professional development.

As Congress begins to consider funding in the 2012 budget we need your help now more than ever! Please let your leaders know about the vital services EETT provides to our teachers and our children. Send a letter to your representatives today asking them to fund the EETT program at $100 million in FY 2012 so that teachers have the tools they need to help our children succeed in the classroom.

Use this link to email your Congressional members today and ask them to restore funding of the EETT program to $100 million in the FY 2012 budget!